I’m thrilled to have author Tania Gold today at The Writing Jungle. Thank you for making time for this interview, Tania.
At what point in your life did you realize the writing bug had grabbed a hold of you? And which writers influenced you?
When I was 10 years old, I realized I had a talent, being published three times for kids writing competitions in Australia. It was when I was on maternity leave, I decided it was time to sit down and finally write a novel with the support and inspiration from my husband. I haven’t been able to stop writing stories since.
Two writers influenced me. They are Emma Hart and Lila Monroe. They write contemporary/chick-lit romance novels and the way they write their stories, more specifically the personalities of characters made me want to create my own world of sassy, heroines and gorgeous, brooding male characters.
Besides writing, what else do you enjoy doing?
First and foremost, I enjoy spending time with my family. My children are my everything. When they are at daycare, I enjoy shopping and reading my kindle at local coffee shops. I am a bookworm and can’t stop reading. It’s therapeutic and addictive.
What types of films and music do you enjoy?
I enjoy watching sci-fi / fantasy because it takes me away from reality. I also like watching rom-coms.
In regard to music, I enjoy soft pop but mainly I have three singers that are on repeat: Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons and Ava Max – all different genres but I love them equally!
Do you have a specific writing ritual (like listening to music) and/or schedule you stick with?
I am a night owl so typing schedule is after hours, when the kids are in bed. On the weekends I have an hour or two during the day to write regardless of what is planned for the day. I always make the time to write.
I listen to music when I am writing the first draft but no music when I am editing as that’s where the concentration kicks in.
What inspired you to write Prophecy of a Vampire which will was released on the 29th of March 2023.
I was lost in my thoughts daydreaming whilst listening to Demons by Imagine Dragons and Ava Max. The songs were quite dark, and I thought they would suit a story about Vampires, but from the view of one who didn’t want to give into the monster within.
From all the characters you’ve written, which one is your favorite and why?
I have two characters that are my favorite – one from Prophecy of a Vampire, the lead male character. I can really see the emotional turmoil he has inside and how all he wants is love, something that he didn’t really have in the past.
Another character is the female lead in my novel Keys to My Heart. I love how she has a sassy personality, strong willed, determined and is Australian like me. I find her a juxtaposition of characteristics and it really makes her a fun person. If her character was in reality, she would be a person I would enjoy having a glass of wine with.
Do you allow your characters to dictate their paths or do you plot out everything?
I usually like to plot the scenes in the story but as it develops, I give my characters opportunities to make their own decisions and adapt to scenes that I haven’t necessarily plotted. I plot first and then give space to pantser.
Does research play a big part in your writing schedule?
Yes, absolutely. If I want to have accurate details in my story, then research comes hand in hand with writing. Especially, because I tend to add things that happened in the past, or locations that are real and that takes research to ensure I get the correct details. Prophecy of a Vampire had a decent amount of research throughout the development of the manuscript.
Are there any other works in progress that you’d like to hint about?
I have two works in progress, a contemporary romance which is on its first round of editing, and the early stages of writing the second book of Prophecy of a Vampire.
I aim to get the contemporary romance out by this year and feel that I have nailed the development of both main characters and love the storyline. Watch this space!
If your favorite author (past or present) invited you for dinner to discuss writing, who would that be and what one question would you ask him/her?
One favorite author that I also have but in the dark romance genre, is Amo Jones and I always think about how she gets inspiration for the anti-heroes and the psychology behind writing those characters?
What wise words of wisdom would you give up-and-coming new writers?
Take your time, but don’t give up. Sometimes it may seem that there isn’t enough time in the day to write, but you can always find time to do it. Whether it be ten minutes or an hour, you can always do some plotting or take notes for the next time you have inspiration or the time to write. Keep a note pad or your notes app open and utilize it when ideas come to mind.
I would also suggest that if you don’t necessarily have luck with getting a contract in the country you reside in, no harm in submitting outside of your country. Persistence is the key.
Thank you once again, Tania.
For more information on Prophecy of a Vampire, please visit here.