We’re writers. We don’t make misteaks…okay, we do. And if you didn’t spot my mistake in the previous sentence, this is where The World’s Best Automated Proofreader Grammarly would be a helpful app to have ready to go.
It’s a convenient app to download to your computer, especially for bloggers because it edits as you type, and we all want as perfect an article as possible.
Showcase Your Best Grammar
If you’re as nit-picking, perfectionist, anal when it comes to showcasing your best work as I am, this plugin, The World’s Best Automated Proofreader Grammarly, is the perfect tool to catch any boo boos before you hit PUBLISH. Catching typos, grammatical errors to spruce up your writing is an awesome tool for any blogger/writer to have.
In all honesty, I recently downloaded the free version of Grammarly to try it out and judge for myself. So far, I’m loving it. In one of my previous posts, it notified me of two errors in grammar while I was updating new information. I speakth English but not a grammar professor. Although I have a pretty good handle writing in English, nevertheless, when you’re presenting articles, essays, even novels to be judged by others, having an app like Grammarly is like carrying our own proofreader beside us.
I installed the app on Firefox. This way I have that automated proofreader hanging around when I’m writing an email or a blog post. And surprise…my personal proofreader even follows me on Facebook. How cool is that!
Appealing Features
Some functions that will appeal to writers:
- no more grammar misteaks…um…mistakes
- gives you the ability to perfect/hone/tighten your work before submitting it out there
- spell-check while writing a blog or social network post
- grammar and punctuation help
As a writer and blogger, my goal is to always appear professional by offering the best product to my readers. The app is also perfect for students to improve their essays. The World’s Best Automated Proofreader, Grammarly isn’t only a ‘found a typo for you’ app. It helps to distinguish when you’ve used the right word, such as too instead of to.
The best part, which I love and won’t get embarrassed as has happened with my phone…no auto-correct. Grammarly will offer you suggestions and then it’s up to you to change.
At times the eye skims past words and sees what should be penned, as an example your instead of you’re. It’s extremely helpful to have an app that detects this during a blog or social network post before you click ENTER.
Reasons Grammarly is a Great Tool
My final critique? There are two options, free and paid. Once you try out the free part and get a feel for the app, how it helps tighten your work, you’ll be hooked, seeking out other ways it can help your writing via the paid version. It’s like having your own proofreader right beside you all the time.
The app helped me fix a few words in this post which my own eyes missed reading a few times before hitting PUBLISH. It also offered me suggestions for change with explanations which I truly liked. Another neat aspect which I forgot to mention only because I believe it’s part of the paid option is the plagiarism check where it tells you if you’re at risk using a string of words that may put you in that category. This is especially helpful for students writing up essays with a tendency of adding more from the research books they looked up than intended.
So if you’re a student, a writer, or active on social networks and want to improve your posts and look professional, I give this grammar checking tool The World’s Best Automated Proofreader a passing mark.
“Disclosure: There are affiliate links above, but for products I highly recommend. I will never put anything on any post that I haven’t verified and/or personally used.”
Course I Highly Recommend
If you ever thought of affiliate marketing, and want to begin the right way, then I highly recommend Michelle’s course. I took it a while back when I first began this blog and loved it. There are several things in each module and lessons I’m rereading to implement, to absorb information, and the private facebook group is a huge supportive group of people willing to share and help. You can read my full review here.